Podiatry (Podiatrist) & Chiropody Treatment Clinic in Aberdeen

Doctors typically refer patients to a podiatrist when they require expert foot and ankle treatment. Podiatry is a specialized discipline of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of foot and lower limb illnesses and conditions.

Podiatrists treat anything from bunions to diseased toenails, and patients can trust a podiatrist to provide the best solution for their foot problems. However, many individuals – notably elderly patients – still refer to foot physicians as chiropodists.

So, what precisely is a chiropodist, and how do podiatrists and chiropodists work together? Simply defined, there is no technical difference in how a chiropodist and a podiatrist function; "chiropodist" and "chiropody" are old words for doctors who specialize in foot diseases. Despite the fact that both phrases signify the same thing, several nations (such as Canada) still use the term chiropody to refer to foot and ankle medical treatment.

Getting the best Podiatry and Chiropody Treatment

If you are looking for the best Podiatry (Podiatrist) & Chiropody Treatment Clinic in Aberdeen then PPPractice is the best one to go for. The professionals know how important it is to locate the best team of specialists for you, your family, and your employees at the Pittodrie Podiatry Practice. The Pittodrie Podiatry Practice in Aberdeen offers fully certified Podiatrists who deliver high-quality Chiropody treatments.

The Pittodrie Podiatry Practice is a member of the Health Professions Council and is HPC registered and NHS approved. The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists is an active part of the practice.

Services offered by PPPractice of Podiatry and Chiropody Treatment

A chiropodist is a professional who specializes in the treatment of minor foot diseases as well as basic foot care recommendations. Cutting toenails, removing in-grown toenails, callouses, and corns, and treating foot problems including plantar warts (verrucae), athlete's foot, dry / cracked heels, and foot odour, are all part of a chiropody therapy.

Where appropriate, padding and strapping are given. A podiatrist may be referred to the individual undergoing treatment for prescription orthotics or in-sole foot support.

A chiropodist who has received training in biomechanics (the study of posture and walking) may also do a biomechanics evaluation to check for flat feet, heel discomfort, knee pain, bunions, and other issues.

• Verrucae Treatment

PPPractice is also the best Verrucae treatment clinic in Aberdeen. Verrucae are a virus that thrives in wet, damp places like locker rooms, public showers, and swimming pools.

Ingrown Toenail Surgery Treatment

An in-growing toenail (IGTN) is a painful condition caused by a fragment of nail penetrating the skin and producing irritation and infection. It can cause bleeding and pus in the major toe nails, but it can also affect the smaller toe nails. An involutes or convoluted nail, which does not puncture the skin but feels extremely painful and appears red and inflamed, might be mistaken for this.

• Biomechanics & Orthotic Therapy Clinic

Our left and right sides aren't always symmetrical. This holds true for both our legs and our feet. Mild abnormalities, such as torsion in your pelvis, a bent leg, one leg longer than the other, or a small variation in the shape of one foot and the other, can produce these asymmetries. Our bodies may correct for these irregularities while standing, running or walking. These compensations can cause improper function or utilization of tissues including muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

PPPractice is the leading clinic in Aberdeen that offers the best Podiatry (Podiatrist) & Chiropody Treatment. You can connect with experts who can offer complete treatment at the best given rate. 
